
我们希望在项目最开始的阶段就参与到设计中,从而全面考虑适合的照明设计主题。通过这个阶段来正确理解建筑设计的意图和策略,然后在建筑对照明设计要求的基础上准备概念设计! 设计阶段中设计师与业主、建筑师、室内设计师或景观设计师等相关方面沟通,了解并分析项目的品牌定位、建筑设计风格、功能要求,明确具体的光环境要求。 We’d like to participate in to be involved in architectural projects from the earliest , right from the early stages (Concept Design Phase + Schematic Design Phase) to fully consider what the concept and theme should be for our the lighting design. We use this phase to properly understand the architectural intent and strategy, and then based on the lighting requirements, are able to prepare a lighting design concept. 01.参与企业建筑设计沟通会议和项目定位 Attendance in Business and architectural project orientation 02.对项目周围光环境进行现场调查 Survey of the lighting environment surrounding the project site 03.搜集参考图片和类似的灯光设计项目进行研究 Review of reference images and/or study of possibly helpful lighting environments as case studies 04.集思广益并对概念设计分组研讨 Brainstorming and concept design workshops 05.通过概念手绘草稿进一步对方案进行研究 Further study through lighting concept drawings 06.明确灯光总体规划和主要设计策略 Development of a lighting master plan and/or strategy 07.与业主进行灯光概念设计的初步沟通 Presentation of the lighting concept design