Design Development深化设计(扩初设计)

针对概念设计已确定的方案,与客户、建筑师及其他设计顾问对项目进行全面讨论、分析后,绘制灯具平面布置图,安装节点,提供灯具参数选项表。 During this phase we further target feasible options from our initial design framework for finalization. After many consultations with the Client , architects, and other designers consultants on the project, we analyze our design in greater detail to prepare detail documentation drawings for approval. 01.在现场对重点区域进行灯具实验,详细分析照明效果 Detailed analysis of lighting effects through mock ups 02.照明灯具的布局定稿,并确定灯具参数选型表 Finalization of lighting fixtures layout and determine performance specifications 03.根据需要提出定制灯具设计要求 Design of custom-made light fixtures 04.绘制灯具安装节点并与建筑和室内设计沟通确认 Analysis of mounting details and coordination with architectural details 05.确定最终的照明控制时间表 Operation schedules